Friday, October 10, 2008

Clark Gable's bleary-eyed granddaughter falls down in the street

In the classic movie Gone With The Wind, Rhett Butler shocked Scarlett O'Hara when he told her: 'And you, miss, are no lady.'

And perhaps if he was alive today that's exactly what Clark Gable would be saying to his granddaughter after witnessing her embarrassing behaviour last night.

Aspiring actress Kayley Gable, 22, was in high spirits in Hollywood last night as she stopped by a petrol station after a partying session.
Vivien Leigh

'And you, miss, are no lady': Kayley Cable, granddaughter of Hollywood legend Clark Cable, exposes herself at she falls to the floor at a Hollywood petrol station

The tanning specialist put on an athletic show of exhibitionism as she toppled onto the tarmac by the petrol pumps.

Dressed in a minuscule black dress and fur coat, Kayley's beige knickers were on show are she ungracefully lay with her legs open on the cold concrete.

After being helped off the floor by her designer pal Onch, Kayley proceeded to show paparazzi the back view of her underwear as she lifted up her dress.

Vivien Leigh

Splayed: Bisexual designer Onch attempts to pull his worse for wear pal off the floor

Kayley and Onch are two of 18 contestants vying to become the best friend of socialite Paris Hilton in the MTV show Paris Hilton's My New BFF.

Kayley's attention-seeking behaviour is sure to resonate with the hotel heiress, who isn't known for being shy and retiring.

Her outlandish behaviour could go down well with her grandfather's famous character, who famously declared: 'I'm very drunk and I intend on getting still drunker before this evening's over.'

The aspiring star describes her life is 'an open book' and has already spent time in rehab as a teenager.
Vivien Leigh

Catch me if you can: Kayley falls into the arms of Onch - while exposing her backside at the same time

Vivien Leigh

Potential BFF: Kayley (Centre left) and Paris Hilton poses with fellow My New BFF contestants in Las Vegas earlier this year

She says she is trying to live a modest, normal life, while upholding the Gable legacy of 'Hollywod royalty'.

The Californian is hoping to write a biography about her famous grandfather, who won an Oscar for It Happened One Night in 1935.

Kayley's father John Clark Gable born four months after the death of his famous father from coronary thrombosis in November 1960.

Kayley's grandmother Kay Williams was Gable's fifth wife and survived him by 23 years.
Vivien Leigh

Legacy: Kayley's grandfather Clark Gable in his famous clinch with Vivien Leigh in Gone With The Wind (1939)

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