Rani is born on 21st March, 1978 which makes her a Number 3 (Jupiter ) person in numerology. She is an Arien (ruler Mars – Number 9 ) and her destiny number adds up to Number 4 (Rahu ). Technically, Rani is also a cusp between Aries and Pisces, hence she will get the vibrations of this sign as well which is primarily ruled by No. 3 Jupiter).
“ Rani will be entering her 32nd (3 + 2 = 5 ) year now which is one of her weakest numbers. 2009 is once again a tough year for Rani like last year ” predicts Bhavikk.
“ Her next release, Yashraj Films tentatively titled ‘Hidappa’ adds up to Number 28
(2 + 8 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 ) which signifies struggle and failure. Neither the film nor her performance will help resurrect her career ” adds Bhavikk.
On a positive note, he says “ Time after March 2010 is very good for Rani to settle down. She should spell her name as RANI MUCKERJI for it to vibrate on an auspicious number.
It will help her with her personal life in terms of selecting the right life partner for her. As for Aditya Chopra is concerned, her ‘jodi’ with him is a good one (a bit of ego clashes though ) and she should give it a serious thought if there is anything cooking between the two ”.
A word of caution from Bhavikk to Rani – “ This year she should stay away from much public glare to avoid misunderstandings & unnecessary controversy ”.
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